Cape Fear Pickleball Club is excited to continue to partner with Beau Rivage Golf and Resort in offering FREE Pickleball lessons every Sunday morning continuing into 2024 on their brand-new permanent pickleball courts. Lessons will be geared toward beginners where participants will be learning the fundamentals of pickleball with CFPC trainer, Jimmy Carlo.
There will be two (2) hour-long sessions offered each Sunday from 8 am to 9 am and 9 am to 10 am which are open to Cape Fear Pickleball Club members, Beau Rivage Golf and Resort members and guests. Sign-up is through Beau Rivage’s Court Reserve software and is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
The sign-up link to Beau Rivage’s reservation system along with instructions is found below. Remember, it is FREE for these Pickleball Training Sessions. Do you have a friend or family member that has been thinking about learning how to play pickleball? This would be the perfect opportunity! The location is:
Beau Rivage Golf and Resort 649 Rivage Promenade Wilmington, NC 28412 www.beaurivagegolf.com
Sign-Up for lessons using this link:
Directions to Court Reserve Sign Up for Beau Rivage (DESKTOP VERSION) – CFPC Pickleball Training Sessions:
- Click the link above for access to Beau Rivage’s Court Reserve System.
- Fill in the information as you will need to create an account. Be sure to complete all fields with an *.
- Once your account is created, log back in using the credentials you created.
- In the upper left corner next to the Beau Rivage logo, click the down arrow next to Events.
- In the dropdown menu, click on Calendar.
- The Calendar opens (make sure the dates in view are correct, for this we want, Sat 7/09)
- You will see the two green blocks available, 8-9 am and 10-11 am.
- Click on the Register link of the time slot you want to sign up for.
- Click the blue Register link (if slots are still available)
- You will receive a “Warning” message that a membership plan is required. (It won’t allow you to click “close”.)
- Click the blue Join Organization button next to your name, upper left corner.
- Page opens to “CFPC Training Days Membership. Days in advance a court can be booked”. Click the blue Join Membership button.
- You will receive a message stating that you “Successfully Joined the Membership Plan” and you will be on the “Billing Cycles” page. This is a FREE membership as you have not entered any payment information.
- You will now register for a time slot, click the Down Arrow next to Events in the upper left corner.
- In the Drop-Down box, click Calendar.
- The Beau Rivage calendar appears (make sure that you are on the correct week. If not, use the arrows in the upper left corner to advance). Choose the time slot and click Register in the green box.
- The Open Training Ages 12+ page opens. You can click the blue Register button listed under the number of spots remaining, OR
- On the same page, click the DATES tab and you can sign-up for a later date. Be sure and click the appropriate blue Register tab.
- A new page opens, and you can choose additional dates available here also by checking the box under the Register? Column. If you chose on the previous page the first date, that will already be checked. It will allow you to choose additional dates.
- Click the FINALIZE REGISTRATION to complete.
- You should also receive an email with your registration confirmation.
Trouble registering for a time slot? You may have missed a step or neglected to enter in the required account information. If so, follow these steps:
- If you did not enter your birthdate when creating your profile, you will need to add. In upper right corner, click the Down Arrow next to your name.
- Click Personal Information.
- Enter any missing data in the text fields and be sure to include your birthdate. Click Save.
- Go back to upper left corner and click the Down Arrow next to Events.
- Click Calendar, making sure that the correct dates are visible. If not, hit the forward, backward arrow located in upper left corner to advance.
- Click Register on the time slot you wish to choose.
- The Warning message appears, click in the upper right corner the blue Join Organization.
- CFPC Training Days Membership page opens. Click the blue Join Membership.
- New page opens, click the blue Join Membership button again.
- **Return to the previous steps, Step number 13 and continue to completion.
Still having problems signing up when there are still slots showing available? Contact Beau Rivage at 800-628-7080 or you may send an email to: communications@capefearpickleballclub.org with your name, phone number, and email address and we will respond as quickly as possible.